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Free Webtools

Some little - we hope - helpfull online webtools to use for free.

Need to know fast and easy, what your current IP is?

Regarding string informations, we have created several little tools which generates informations about a given text. Take a look at Lowercase Text, Uppercase Text, String Length or Word Count.

Did you ever need to transfor a timestam to a date string or a datetime to a timestamp? Our quick and easy timestamp to date calculator may be useful for that.

Need a quick and easy enconding or decoding of strings from and to base64, utf8 or URL enconding? Our String Encoder / Decoder will help!

Or do you need a savely encrypted string with md5 encryption?

Page Information:
Short Description: Free Webtools for Internet User and Developer
Searchterms: Free Webtools
Last Modified: 22.03.2017 - 13:14
Page Views: 11.785
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